18 Nov 22

Odour Control Body Wash. How and when to use.

woman has athletes foot

Odour Control Body Wash

Perspi-Guard Odour Control Body Wash contains a highly effective antibacterial ingredient called Triclosan. The Triclosan is blended into a high quality, lightly fragrance body wash base. It’s not intended for all over application (although it can be), it is designed to be used in specific areas of the body where body odour is an issue. More often than not, this is either the underarms or the feet but can be around the buttocks and groin areas. Bacteria caused by sweating in these areas breaks down and gives off offensive odours which can be unpleasant and embarrassing. Regular use of Perspi-Guard Odour Control Body Wash will help dramatically reduce the bacterial growth on the skin and reduce the odours.

To ensure the best results from this product, please use in conjunction with Perspi-Guard Maximum Strength Antiperspirant and follow instructions below. You only need to use a small amount of the wash and apply only to the affected area. This makes the product much more cost effective and you can simply wash other parts of the body with your standard shower gel.

Step1. To apply, place a small amount of Odour Control Body Wash into your wet hands;

Step2. Rub hands together to create a lather;

Step3. Rub the lather wash onto the affected areas and fully cover. Leave the product on the skin for a moment or two;

Ensure you cover the full area of concern. For the feet it is recommended that in addition to a full cover on the soles of the feet, you also pay particular attention in between toes as this area is often overlooked when washing;

Regular use will help combat the problem odours and help to prevent them from returning but there are other things that you can do as part of your hygeine routine to help reduce body odours.

By changing your diet

We are what we eat, really comes in to affect here! The by-products of food we eat, things we drink and oral medications secrete in our sweat, generally the stronger and more pungent, the worse the body odour. We have included a small list below of some of the main offenders that may be adding to your odour.

  • Alcohol
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Bromides
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Curry
  • Fish
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Penicillin
  • Tobacco
  • Turnips

By maintaining good personal hygiene

Making sure that problem areas are cleaned thoroughly on a daily basis can go a long way toward reducing the odour causing sweat and bacteria on your skin.

It is especially important to think about those hard to reach areas.
Areas where the skin may fold or crease on to itself, because such areas provide sweat and bacteria that have become trapped with the perfect environment to create odour.

By reducing sweat

We already know that sweat is a key contributing factor towards body odour, so with that in mind…Do you sweat heavily and frequently? Do you produce sweat at times when it should not really occur?

If so, this could point to an excessive sweating disorder known medically as Hyperhidrosis – which we will explore in more detail at a later date – so the Bromhidrosis would likely be as a result of the excess sweat produced, and would need to be treated alongside in order to make any improvements to body odour.

By decreasing skin bacteria

Removing excess body hair is a good starting point; hair can trap sweat and odour causing bacteria.
Changing sweat soaked clothes often lessens the time bacteria have to create odour.

Most importantly of all – swap what you wash with – standard soaps, gels and washes are unable to lift and remove odour-causing bacteria, so the skin will never really reach a clean state by their use alone. And further sweating only compounds the problem.
